Technology and Services

Meetinghouse Dental uses state-of-the-art technology to make your dental visit
quicker, easier, and more comfortable than ever!
New Patient Exams
- Low exposure DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY equips every operatory, greatly decreasing your radiation exposure.
- Low exposure 3-D imaging by our VATECH Green Machine produces diagnostic CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomogrphy) scans. 3-D imaging finds abscesses (bone infection) and granulomas invisible on 2-D traditional radiographs, helping us resolve long-standing issues of dental discomfort. Furthermore, the software's density meter indicates areas of dissolved bone - often in old extraction sites - that may harbor infection.
- DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY creates a virtual tour of your mouth on the overhead screen.
- The POTENTIOMETER measures galvanic current generated by dissimilar metals in the conducive (slightly acidic) environment of the saliva of the mouth.
- The FLORIDA PROBE provides computerized measurements from the top of the gum to the top of the bone, encouraging a thorough diagnosis of tooth pocket depths. Proper monitoring of pocket depths promotes appropriate preventive or therapeutic periodontal care.
- VELscope early detection blue light technology identifies any kind of abnormal tissue, allowing us to discover and monitor any suspicious area in the mouth. Picking up precancerous tissue and beginning-stage oral cancer allows for effective early intervention.
Biologic Dentistry
- The WAND - a computer-controlled anesthesia-delivery system - administers anesthesia in total comfort.
- Electric hand pieces offer a quiet drilling experience with exceptional precision. Ozonated water is expelled from the hand piece, simultaneously sterilizing the preparation while keeping the tooth cool to protect the nerve.
- CEREC CAD-CAM technology provides one-visit solid-block ceramic, NON-METAL crowns, onlays, and inlays. No more impressions. No more temporaries. No more 3-week wait for lab work. No more delivery visits. No need to be numbed a second time!
- The Longevity OL80 produces medical-grade OXYGEN-OZONE to create a therapeutic, oxygen-rich environment in affected tissues, killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. We use oxygen-ozone in treatment of extraction sites, re-infected root canals, jawbone infection, and periodontal disease.
- The ODYSSEY DIODE LASER offers precision gum re-contouring, cauterizing, sterilizing, and healing.
- The cold laser INSIGHT40 and other red, near infrared, and infrared lasers promote cellular level healing for areas of sensitivity, jaw joint pain, root canalled teeth, and extraction sites.
- SMART certified technology for MERCURY-SAFE AMALGAM REPLACEMENT protects you when old silver fillings break down. ALL silver fillings, even those currently on the market today, contain 48-52% mercury. Isolite Intra-Oral Protectors, IQAir Dental Hg FlexVac, LG-2 Ionizers, nosehood with unidirectional fresh air supply, and other technologies minimize your exposure to mercury vapor, particulates, and debris during the mercury-amalgam replacement process.
- The AMALGAMBOSS MERCURY SEPARATOR installed on our water lines tests at 99+% capture rate to keep municipal sludge mercury-free, protecting our environment.
- A 4-LEAF ENERGY IC UNIT decreases the overall electromagnetic field of the facility. All fluorescent overhead light fixtures have been converted to clean energy; ballasts are completely severed, and mercury-free LED's replace all fluorescent tubes in every room of the facility.
Professional Cleanings
- The CAVIJET uses air and water pressure to polish teeth and to remove stains and plaque non-abrasively for the most thorough, gentle professional cleaning available.
- The CAVITRON removes calculus and irrigates below the gumline ultrasonically for gentle, highly effective non-surgical periodontal care.
- PERSONAL OVERHEAD FLAT SCREENS allow you to listen to music or watch TV from the extraordinary comfort of the TEMPUR-PEDIC OVERLAY of your dental chair!